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Reuben McDowall Fulton ❤️
Morning Tracey
Say hi to the newest member of the Fulton family, Reuben McDowall Fulton, born at 4:55pm on Monday in the BIRTH CENTRE and weighing 7lb 3oz. 
Thank you so much for your support and advice, we’re so happy that we could have him in the birth centre, we had such a great experience. 
We were home and eating a well deserved chippy by 10pm on Monday. I managed on just 4 paracetamol and a bit of gas and air so I feel like super woman at the minute!
Thanks you so much again, you’ve been fantastic 😘
LoveBecky and Lach 


Orla Eve Finnegan ❤️
Hi Tracey hope you are well.I just wanted to let you know, baby Orla Eve Finnegan was born last Thursday night. I can't believe I'm saying this but it was an amazing experience! I loved it! 
This is in the most part due to hypnobirthing, coupled with the amazing staff at Wythenshaw hospital and the birthing pool.
So, firstly thank you so much!!
I was starting to get panicky as the talk of being induced had happened, I had turned it down and was being monitored daily. 
At 40 plus 10 she arrived.
I woke up at 5:30 am having mild but pretty regular contractions. It was super hot in our flat, so we went over to my parents, I chilled in the paddling pool and had a nice al fresco lunch. Throughout the day the contractions were building but still manageable with my breathing. I basically counted to seven and pictured the wave but I pictured the wave coming right over me, cooling me down, because it was hot, this was a lovely image! I was also in my happy place on the beach in north Wales.
By 5:30 pm we were driving back from my parents via pets at home to pick up cat litter and m&s for snacks as I fancied a "picky tea". The contractions got more intense and whilst pausing to breath through it in pets at home car park, I thought we really should be at home, now, relaxing.
Sean dropped me at the door of our apartment whilst he went to park the car and as soon as I got indoors the contractions ramped up. I ran the bath and was in it for a minute but the pain was getting to me and this was the only moment I had a wobble and started to feel a bit panicked. Anyway I refocused, leant over the ball, Sean warming up m&s snacks in the kitchen, offering me mini lamb koftas, I ripped his head off, the smell was vile!! 
I called the birthing centre but explained I didn't want to come in too soon and I would rather be at home, all the while having contractions on the call, pausing to breath through it, then get back to the conversation. She said that was fine and just to call back when ready.
5 minutes later, Sean called and said (without my knowledge) she's further on than she thinks!  
The car journey was a low point but breathing through the pain made it bearable. 
When we arrived at the hospital and entered the birthing centre, i genuinely felt like i had arrived at a hotel. Sandra greeted us (who I believe delivered your first two babies) and I felt instantly at ease. We also had Frank the student midwife who was also brilliant!
I lost my birth plan somewhere on the journey but we managed to explain what we wanted to Sandra and she just got it straight away. Sandra did the internal check and i was delighted and amazed to learn i was 8cm dilated!! This was all thanks to hypnobirthing!!
Sean took our giant fan which was a godsend and meant we could deliver on the birthing suite, as there was some talk of it being too hot and potentially having to move up to the delivery ward. 
As soon as I got in the pool, it felt amazing and i had a desire to push. I had some gas and air at this point which was lovely!! After just an hour in the pool, Orla was born. 
I used hypnobirthing from start to finish and even , having stitches, when the doc had to check for blood clots and learning to breast feed! 
So, thank you again, I will be recommending you and hypnobirthing to everyone! 
Amy, Sean and Orla xx
To be continued! #positivebirth

Newborn feet just after delivery.jpg

Theodore Walter Ellis ❤️

Hi Tracey, I just thought I would let you know that our little baby boy has arrived. Theodore Walter Ellis 7lb 8oz, born 12:45am Friday 17th.

The hypnobirthing was amazing, I got to 8cm before we even thought about leaving the house. We arrived at ingleside and got straight in the pool where between surges I even think I was drifting off to sleep.

Unfortunately when my waters finally broke at 10cm he’d pooped inside so we had to have a swift transfer to Bolton.

Still managed the whole way with no pain relief, and we didn’t even end up using the Tens machine either ha ha!

Thank you so much for your help and guidance through the course the information was invaluable and although it was a bit frantic at the end it was a lovely enjoyable labour getting to 10cm.

Thank you so much

Lorna, Pete and Theodore.


Georgie Mason ❤️

Hi Tracey I’ve been meaning to be in touch to thankyou for all your help and support in the last few weeks of pregnancy. I can’t believe how quickly the time is passing and our gorgeous Georgie is now 10 weeks old and doing really well. 

Thankfully like her sister she seems to be a good sleeper!

The last 3 months have been a bit of a whirlwind but I am long overdue contacting you with my birth story ...... 

The recommendations you made especially to see Sally were fundamental in me being in the best shape possible for labour.

I had reduced movements after a busy day and went in for monitoring on Saturday at 38 weeks everything seemed ok but they brought me in for a scan on the bank holiday Monday on the birthing ward at Wythenshawe and found I was carrying too much fluid so wanted me to have a managed birth as they were concerned re risks of the cord prolapsing in labour and this could be dangerous !

After our chats I had agreed with the consultants a detailed plan with a c section booked and after the scan saw the same registrar Who’d booked it to agree a plan to come in on the Thursday to the induction ward and try pessary approach with a c section as a back up plan if not effective. I was happy with this and so glad I stuck to my guns. I’d been offered a sweep on the Saturday after monitoring and I’d refused as I thought it was too early and I was on my own with Josie so didn’t want to risk my waters breaking as had happened last time. Just as well as a sweep could have been dangerous and wasn’t advised post the scan.

So we went into Wythenshawe on the Thursday afternoon ( after a reflexology and relaxation session run by 2 of my friends at home ).The experience on the induction ward was totally different to last time. It felt like checking in to a hotel as we were immediately taken to a side room which was actually the same room I laboured with Josie when moved from the ward. 

Our midwife couldn’t have been more helpful making sure she understood the birth plan and what we wanted and reassuring me I was in control and the drip would not be mentioned again! 

Leighan set up the room with mood lights diffuser and a speaker and we chilled with snacks and drinks we’d brought with us! 

After checks and initial concerns about me being ready I had the first ( and only) pessary at 6 pm. Mild contractions started fairly soon after and I had a bath to help relax. They started to gather pace by midnight they were regular and the tens machine was in place we had a new midwife Lucy who was amazing and guided us through labour but mostly left us to it in the little oasis of calm we had created! They were really impressed with how chilled we were and I used hypno birthing techniques throughout to quietly breath through the contractions. Leighan was amazing throughout applying pressure to my lower back early on and having his hands squeezed til they were blue in the late stages!! 

At 3 amwe were both actually asleep despite regular heavy contractions when my waters burst with an audible pop that woke me up! Soon after I was checked and was at 8cm.

We discussed moving to the delivery suite and that I wanted room 8 

I had visions of using the birth pool 

Lucy encouraged us to stay put in our oasis and at @ 5.45 I asked for gas and air. Transition was happening they checked and I was 10cm so time to go down! 

On the delivery suite they intended to take us to room 6 but Lucy steered the chair saying no we are going to room 8 and we did. We got to the room soon after 5am.

Leighan busily set up the room to create an ambience and I enjoyed the gas and air still in my zone. This time it felt much better and I could feel her moving down. 

I laboured leaning over the bed totally in the zone but still conscious of what I wanted to happen and I even directed Leighan to film the birth. Which while not glamorous is really special as I of course couldn’t see her arrive!

At 5.56 we welcomed Georgina Rose to our world. Delivered by Lucy who had stayed with us before being summoned back to the ward ( as she was meant to handover but wanted to see it through which was lovely).

No doctors involved this time and the midwifes were amazing I had a great experience and Georgie didn’t leave my chest for several hours! 

She was huge but wasn’t weighed for another 4 hours and we couldn’t believe it when she was finally weighed in at 9lbs 10!! I had a double placenta which they showed us so Georgie has been having double helpings and had got very chubby! She was 8 days early so can only imagine her size at 40 weeks! 


Hugo Rapheal Woodward ❤️

Hi Tracey It’s taken me till now to get round to letting you know that Hugo Rapheal Woodward was born on the 14th Sept at 12.10pm, he was 9lb 3oz! 

I was 40 plus 11, id been doing all my hypnobirthing  preparation, felt ready for it then I decided I’d go for the induction booked (pessary) which was at 8.30am on Friday the 13th, full moon ( I’m not superstitious 😊)

They had wanted me to stay in but thanks to your advice and guidance on the course I persuaded them to let me go home. I wanted to be calm and carry on as normal. I was low risk, they checked us both and we were fine so we went home. I went for coffee, had lunch and then went to bed at 9pm.

At 10pmI woke up...boom! 

It was full on, no build up and very intense contractions. I didn’t get chance to even use the tens or put my tracks on. I had to go straight in and by the time I got there I was 7cms.

I’d asked for pain relief so no birth centre but they got me in room 8 (they had my birth plan) which was amazing because they we’re so full!

I’d been there and hr and felt a very strong need to push, so I did for another hr, no time for pain relief they thought baby was coming out. Then she checked me and baby was back to back and i wasn’t fully dilated. 

At that point I was already knackered and bless the midwife she said ‘you sure you don’t want to get in the pool?’

My response was ‘ No I need the drugs!’ 

I went on then till about 11amthe following day by which point I’d had an epidural. I pushed for nearly 2hrs but couldn’t get baby out. The consultant came and baby’s head had turned and had its hand next to its head so we had to go to theatre.

Hugo came out by forceps and I ended with a 3D tear ( my two fears) but we were both fine apart from being knackered!

When we got home I felt sad and a bit disappointed in myself for the way it went. 

But with time what ive realised is even though i wasn’t in the pool in the birth centre, I went through labour doing what I felt was right for me at the time. I had all the information and knowledge from doing your course. I felt in control because I knew the outcome of the decisions I was making with regards to pain relief and that was fine.

The midwives were amazing!

My preferences were noted ( the ones they could do for me) especially at the end with Woody announcing the sex and cutting the cord. Skin on skin, then passed to Woody when I was being seen to.

I know I wouldn’t  have been prepared for that sort of birth if i hadn’t done your course so I’m really grateful for that.

I healed very quickly and Hugo is totally brilliant, I’d do it all again if I had to.

Thanks again Tracey 


Steph, Woody and Hugo 


Oscar ❤️

Hi Tracey, Hope you’re well?!

Sorry we’ve not been in touch, we’ve been kept super busy with our special new baby boy Oscar! 

Thankyou so much for your help and all the hypno birthing methods, somehow managed to have a totally natural birth and really do put it down to everything we learnt with you Thankyou. 

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